We are ArtiViStory Collective.
We co-create artworks within (Y)OUR projects.
You innovate with us.

Contact us

About us

We are a community of artists, curators, researchers and other professionals in interdisciplinary areas working together for social engagement. We express through comics and sequential art, but also through other socially engaged contemporary art forms or discourses.

Our practice is based on the belief that art is always connected to real situations, contexts, processes and should be directly involved in the society, either by reflecting on the usual aspects of everyday life, by stirring reactions, conversations or discourse on different specific subject matters, or by engaging in projects and processes that act for the wellbeing of our communities.

Working with a specific methodology, we document in visual forms the visible and invisible macro and micro processes around, in order to share unsighted details of mechanisms developed within different projects. Through visual documentaries (storytelling in comics and sequential art), we bring closer to the community and different target audiences the vision, the goals or the stages of implementation of these projects and the actors involved in their development, as well as the co-creative processes that  underlie and generate them, thus rendering visible not only the results but the whole mechanism of the projects. Our focus is to identify the invisible aspects of ecosystems interconnectedness and to make them visible through creative practices, while joining the conceptual and methodological research  process.

Our purpose

We aim to participate in socially engaged projects that seek to build a robust ecosystem and provide new contexts and practices for developing and improving the wellbeing of young  people, through co-creation, visual communication, mediation, facilitation (image-text content), documentation, representation and reinterpretation of transformative processes through narrative art.

Our process can become an innovative tool that entrepreneurs can access to make their business and especially their field of activities and services known in the community and reach their target audience more easily, in a creative and contemporary manner.

Our Method

We pursue a process of disclosure from inside out and, as part of the documentation strategy, our artists will build their own glossary of concepts, iconic images, symbols, slogans or keywords that they use to construct the social visual discourses. These terms will become embedded in the world that the artists imagine and will be used as tools to activate the audience, as a laboratory to generate awareness, self-analysis and individual and collective engagement in the process. We primarily use sequential art, illustration and narrative pictograms, documentary comics, urban comics, but also other art forms.


Visual research, art direction and curation


Visual research and art creation


Collaborating artists

Horațiu Coman, Ștefan Sebastian, Erdély Bálint, Zsófia Bernát, Oliviana Fudulache, Alexandru Papa, Diana Florescu, Dariana Ilie, Carla Oros, Andra Roman, Lucian Barbu


Exhibitions & cultural mediation


- Study -

- Articles -

- Toolkits -

- Animations -




Fondation Botnar (Zur Oren, Susanna Hausmann), SDG CoLab (Barbara Bulc, Bianca Băluță) Eric Gordon (Emerson College and MIT), Cluj-Napoca Municipality (Oana Buzatu, Emilia Botezan), Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Dan-Eugen Rațiu, Marius Ungureanu, Alexandra Oprisor, Radu Meza, Andreea Mogoș), University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (Mara Rațiu, Laszlo Bencze), Cluj-Napoca Museum of Art (Lucian Nastasă-Kovacs, Alexandra Sârbu), UniversitArt Association, PUNKT (Krassimir Stavrev), PONT Group (Balázsi-Pál Ágnes, Andras Farkas), Cluj Cultural Centre (Rarița Zbranca, Ștefan Teișanu, Cristina Rogoz, Claudia Cacovean, Miruna Amza, Miruna Batin), Cluj Youth Federation (Tudor Ogner, Paul Marc), Transilvania IT Cluster (Bianca Muntean, Mihai Pop, Ruxandra Tănase, Adela Bernad), Indeco Soft (Sorin Pop), URBASOFIA (Codruț Papina), Baia Mare Minicipality (Dorin Miclăuș), Metropolitan Area Baia Mare (Ananta Ardelean), AROBS (Voicu Oprean), The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca (Anca Pleșa), Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (Ieva Vitola-Deusa), Wello Association, Magic Association, The Education Cluster C-EDU (Simona Baciu), Inim Institute (Otilia Calfa), Transylvania College (Ruxandra Mercea), Teleport HQ (Paul Brie), CREIC (Ania Pașcalău, Marius Țene), North-Western Romanian Development Agency (Ioana Dragoş, Bianca Gavriloaia), Future Station (Diana Stafie), etc.